The Chat is Sleeping

This is what happened to the Creepypasta Wiki Chat on Saturday, October 12th, 2013.
*Castiels NipplesDude
*Chat is fucking dead
*nothing going one
*10:14Fatal DiseaseChat isn't dead
*10:14Fatal Diseaseit's sleeping
*it's sleeping silently
*we mustn't disturbe it
*10:15Castiels Nipples
* Castiels Nipples farts on the sleeping chat
*10:16Fatal Diseaseshh, Nipples
*its still sleeping
*10:16Kitty Mistakeback
*10:16Fatal DiseaseKitty
*be quite
*the chat is sleeping
*10:17Kitty Mistake.....
*10:17JackofallSuitsWb Kitty
*10:17Kitty MistakePEOPLE TALK
*10:17JackofallSuitsSowwie ;~;
*10:17Doctor 52Oh noo gotham is in trouble!
*10:17Fatal DiseaseDammit
*you woke the chat
*hugz the chat*
*It's alright chat, you may sleep another day.
*10:18Kitty Mistakefatal, are you like idk insane?
*or high?
*10:19Castiels Nipples
* Castiels Nipples farts on Sarah and runs away
*10:19Princess Skuntankoke
*i wasnt even asking for that but
*Halp stranger danger
*Kenpachi312 has left the chat. 
*10:20JackofallSuitsI also suppose you don't want that pic then Sarah?
*10:21Princess SkuntankMeh, it's fine.
*10:21Castiels Nipples
* Castiels Nipples is still nekkid and no one seems to remember
*I'm sure you'll find it eventually anyway
*10:22FactionnaireStranger danger! Stranger danger! *runs out of bathroom, arms flailing*
*10:24Doctor 52
*^ how I feel
*10:27Fatal DiseaseChat is sleeping again
*you may sleep, chat.
*No one will be a burden to you.
*10:28Doctor 52Wake up chat!
*Wake up! *Bangs pots and pans*\
*Princess Skuntank has left the chat. 
*10:29Castiels Nipples
* Castiels Nipples shits on the chat
*Doctor 52
*10:29Fatal DiseaseKitty
*10:29Doctor 52
* Doctor 52 throws up on chat
*10:29Fatal DiseaseI'm probably insane, maybe.
*I have no clue.
*10:29Kitty Mistakeyes?
*10:30Castiels NipplesOnly the insane would call themselves sane.
*The only the sane will claim insanity
*I killed chat with philosophy
*10:31Kitty Mistakeyeah
*you did
*10:31Kitty Mistakeyou fucking killed chat how could you?!
*10:31Fatal DiseaseChat isn't dead
*it's sleeping
*we all need sleep
*so why not the chat?
*Doctor 52 help me
*i've watched this for 5 hours strait
*10:32JackofallSuitsYou didn't kill chat
*It was
*Kitty Mistake
*chat is an inanimate object
*it does not need sleep
*10:33Castiels NipplesOh my gog doctor
*10:33Fatal DiseaseThen
* D:
*Castiels NipplesI have to watch it
*10:33JackofallSuitsMudkip was phone
*10:33Doctor 52
*10:33JackofallSuitsAnd you liked it
*10:33Castiels NipplesI literally can't turn it off
*10:34Doctor 52My video
*will consume u
{{Fatal Disease}}